Picture this scene of a courtroom... the person walks up past the gallery public seating, goes through the awkward swinging half door that feels much heavier than it looks, and nervously navigates pass the tables with the lawyers and other people she does not know. She briefly looks at the small pitcher of water on their table and wonder when she sits at the designated leather chair for her (behind another awkwardly swinging wooden door), will she have a water table too. Suddenly her throat is dry and she feels like she won’t be able to speak. This is especially puzzling because she has waited for this day to tell the “real truth”. She steps up to the uniformed officer who looks her in her eye as if she is not really there and says: “Do you swear or affirm to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” And she answers…   This scene is a display that happens in courtrooms across our country, state and city everyday. Although it is a familiar scene, ...

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